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Aug 14, 20241 min read
Do you know who is missing out on time with their kids?
Your teammates? Your colleagues? You? Hundreds of leaders each year tell the same story. I do my work and the work that my team couldn’t...

Aug 8, 20242 min read
You're supposed to be 'high potential' but you're being overlooked
This is for you if you have been told you’re earmarked for promotion but you’ve been overlooked. New blood is being brought in around...

Jul 31, 20242 min read
Your team need to change. If they don’t, it could cost them their jobs.
Let’s not dance around here. If your organisation has a new CEO, a new strategy, is looking to grow, evolve its culture or even pivot to...

Richard Nugent
Jul 24, 20241 min read
Spending your life telling your team how to do their job?
You're the leader of a team of senior people. They are well paid. Experienced. Knowledgeable So why are you spending your life telling...

Jul 16, 20242 min read
We don’t make decisions and when we do, we don’t stick to them
From May 2021 to June 2022, I did more team events than in the previous four years combined. Do you know what the number one gripe was...

Matt Williams
Jul 12, 20242 min read
I think your L&D budget may be going down the drain, again
Does the spend of your L&D budget fulfil these two outcomes? Create a pipeline of internal candidates who can be trained and developed to...

Matt Williams
Jul 4, 20242 min read
Is your imposter syndrome holding back your talent strategy?
Do you have Talent Management as part of your job role? Do you feel like one day someone will ask you why your talent strategy hasn’t...

Matt Williams
Jun 28, 20241 min read
I’ve just noticed something about you
When discussing the talent strategy of your organisation, are we both talking the same language? Namely, what do we both mean by the word...

Jun 21, 20242 min read
If you left, would your team thrive or fail?
And just like that, the whole function had gone. Overnight, seven years of hard work was undone. My client was a leader like you....

Jun 17, 20242 min read
Are your team pulling in different directions?
There’s a famous old Monty Python sketch called the 100 yards for the directionally challenged. (I’ll pop a link to it at the end of the...

Jun 16, 20242 min read
I'm sorry.
It hit me a couple of weeks ago. We need to do better for you. We land in your inbox every week, sharing our thoughts about leadership....

May 10, 20241 min read
I want to live in a world where great leadership is the norm
Since I started at TwentyOne Leadership, Richard, our MD, has drummed into me that all communication must have an outcome; something that...

Matt Williams
May 7, 20242 min read
Why psychometric testing shouldn’t solely be relied on when assessing your talent
If you’re a person responsible for managing talent and succession planning, then you may have considered, or even used, psychometric...

Matt Williams
Apr 29, 20242 min read
Where is all your hidden talent and where can you find it?
If you’re responsible for a talent and succession strategy, have you considered the amount of talent that could be hiding within your...

Matt Williams
Apr 23, 20242 min read
Having a 9-Box Grid is not a talent strategy!
I’m becoming more and more convinced that the 9-box grid has now become totally obsolete as a meaningful method of assessing your...

Richard Nugent
Apr 14, 20241 min read
How The Team Conflict That You Are Ignoring Is Costing Your Business Money
Earlier this year, I was asked to lead an event to bring together two teams that were involved in a corporate war. The conflict has...

Richard Nugent
Apr 10, 20242 min read
Why BANTER is a red flag for high-performing teams
We are a good team. We all get on well. There's plenty of BANTER, but we get on pretty well. I have had briefs like this hundreds of...

Richard Nugent
Apr 1, 20242 min read
The three key character traits of the worst CEO I have encountered in twenty years
I work with lots of outstanding leaders. They inspire, engage, empower and deliver extraordinary results. But I've worked with a handful...

Mar 25, 20242 min read
How mastering Emotional Intelligence underlies authenticity and relationships
In my last two articles I’ve written about the importance of balancing vulnerability, affection and professionalism, which you can read...

Mar 18, 20242 min read
Great Leadership: Mastering your personal Emotional Intelligence awareness
In last week’s article, which you can read here, I wrote about navigating vulnerability, affection and professionalism in leadership. One...
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