Around 70% of the organisations I have spoken to in the last month are about to embark on a period of sustained organisational change.
We know that change is inevitable, but is the pain and uncertainty that goes with change unavoidable, too?
If you have the right intent from you, it is possible to set your people up to thrive through change, but it requires pre-emptive work.
If you are about to lead your team through a period of change and you're up for the challenge, here's how you can support your team and build a legacy for yourself.
Clarify the Vision - During transitions, certainty is your greatest tool. Align your team around a clear vision for the team. Visions come into their own during uncertain times. They unify teams and drive focus.
Build Resilience - Change creates uncertainty, but a confident leader reassures their people that they will recover from the challenges that change brings. How can you help your people build their resilience by remembering times they have recovered from change?
Empower, Don't Micromanage - Ownership drives engagement. Let your team shape the change so they feel responsible for the outcomes. It's the foundation for high-performing teams in any industry.
Adapt Your Leadership Style - Every change requires flexibility, including how you lead, coach, challenge, and motivate each individual in your team. Shift your approach, embrace new strategies, and model continuous growth as you want your team to.
Consistent Foster Trust - Trust is the glue that holds a team together during uncertainty. Open communication and a culture of transparency will make the transition smoother and inspire confidence.
Leading change is more than navigating challenges—it's about inspiring transformation. Follow these steps to not just survive but thrive through times of change.
When you're ready, here are three ways that we can work together.
Interested in working one-on-one with me to transform your confidence and gravitas, step up strategically and build a leadership mindset? Let's set up a 45-minute discovery call by clicking here.
The Aligned Team - ready to transform how your team communicate, break down silos and get better results with the same resources? Drop me an email with 'ALIGNED Team' in the subject.
If you are an HR Director or Chief People Officer or are responsible for leadership development in your organisation. I would love to share our process for creating the most engaging leadership development programmes on the planet (that pay for themselves in one hit). Email me with Transformational Leadership in the subject line.