Let’s not dance around here.
If your organisation has a new CEO, a new strategy, is looking to grow, evolve its culture or even pivot to survive then broadscale change is inevitable.
You have to find the formula to take your team with you on the change journey, even if you are feeling uncertain yourself.
The reality is that if you aren’t changing together, collectively you are putting yourselves at risk.
You’re either moving forward or regressing. There is no standing still.
I was working with a very smart, very senior group of leaders today who are part of an organisation that are in the midst of profound strategic and cultural change.
I shared two points of principle that they found exceptionally valuable, so I am going to share them with you.
As a leader you can’t hedge during times of change. You’re either on the bus or off the bus. Your team will not fully commit to the change until you do
People aren’t really resistant to change. People are scared of uncertainty. One of the most important things you can do for your team is to create a sense of certainty and direction especially with both are lacking.
Weak leaders sit change out with their teams. Inspiring, transformational leaders model the way during change.
The decisions you make today to support your team to survive and thrive during times of change will reap rewards as the dust settles in the future.
When the time is right, here are three ways I can help:
Ready to work together to transform your team? Let’s set up a 45minute discovery call to see if our signature Aligned Team programme is right for you . Book direct with me here.
Email emma@twentyoneleadership.com to access an exclusive video sharing six questions that all high performing senior leaders MUST ask their teams.
Click here to get a free copy of ‘The Aligned Team’ from my book The Alignment Advantage.