Since I started at TwentyOne Leadership, Richard, our MD, has drummed into me that all communication must have an outcome; something that will change as the result of the communication.
So this article want to tell you why I'll work tirelessly with organisations to build exceptional leadership teams.
I believe everyone should:
Have a great manager.
Experience what working for a great manager is like.
If they're a new leader, know they have the potential to be great, even if they're not there, yet.
Have a manager who sees success in;
Being great at your job,
Being promoted internally,
Moving on to a new and exciting opportunity.
Work in an organisation where middle leaders are intrinsic in solving the skills shortage by recognising the skills and motivators of their teams, identifying opportunities and advocating for their people.
Be inspired, even those who aren't 'career-minded', and have work not just be bearable, but enjoyable and rewarding for all.
Look forward to work, and not feel like crying because of their boss' behaviour or skills.
I believe it will be achieved by developing and honing amazing conversation and communication skills.
Everything I write, say and deliver is in service of everyone working for an amazing leader.
If you want to create leadership teams where all, some or even one of the things on this list are the norm, email me and we can start the journey toward everyone having a great manager.