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Building an ALIGNED®️ Team @ Netflix

It was brilliant to meet and work with you in Bergen. I hope you found the workshop useful and are already starting to apply your learnings.

Here are the flipcharts from the session.

Here is the video overview of the Personality Programmes.

Here is the longer video of Kim Scott outlining Radical Candor. I would highly recommend watching it.

We briefly talked about Patrick Lencioni's brilliant work on dysfunctional teams. He describes his work brilliantly in the video below. I would recommend watching it and thinking about how you can avoid or reverse the dysfunctions in your team.

I have three requests following the session:

  1. Keep the momentum going. Follow through on your commitments and actions

  2. Connect on social media. I am on LinkedIn and all regular social channels

  3. If you read The Alignment Advantage and find it useful, take a photo, share it on social media and copy me in. This is hugely valuable in getting the word out there about the book

I hope we have the opportunity to work together again in the future. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please get in touch via


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