From a leadership perspective, I believe that we are living through the most exciting time in Merlin's history. Never has there been a more important time for us to coach, inspire, motivate, engage and lead our people through the profound and exciting changes we will encounter as we shape Merlin 2.0.
The next evolution of this business requires new leadership. I am delighted to be working with you as you transform the way you lead.
Our Outcomes
We have reshaped and redesigned the programme to reflect the demands and opportunities of the Go Forward strategy. By applying your learning from the programme, you will:
Lead in a way that supports the delivery of the Go Forward strategy
Be an exemplar of the 3Bs
Use the ALIGNED methodology to accelerate the transformation from Merlin 1.0 to Merlin 2.0
What to expect from the experience
Leading 2.0 is not your typical leadership programme. It is designed using our unique framework, which means that not only is it filled with tools and techniques that you can easily and immediately apply, but the whole experience is fast-paced, immersive and ensures that you will experience the latest and best in leadership in a way which is enjoyable, collaborative and practical.
Please watch this video to find out more about what to expect.
How to prepare to get the most from the experience
There are three really important things that you need today ahead of the first day.
Agree your outcomes with your line manager and share them with Christelle Bull
You should have a clear idea of what this programme will do for you and what difference participating in it will make. One great question to get clear on your outcomes is, 'if you have a brilliant time on this programme and it is massively valuable, how will you know?'
Agree your personal project
You will work on a project throughout the leadership programme. The project should be something that sits outside of your usual day-to-day work that connects to the Go Forward strategy. It must be something that you care about or feel personally connected to.
On the final day of the programme, you will present your project recommendations or results to your colleagues and some specially invited guests.
It is critical that you are clear on the focus of your project before the first day of the programme, and it should be agreed with your line manager and shared with Christelle.
Timings Day 1 will start at 0930 and finish at 1700 Day 2 will start at 0900 and finish around 1730 Day 3 will start at 0830 and finish around 1530 We will provide a high-quality workbook to capture your notes in. All you need to bring is something to write with and an open mind. You should wear whatever you are comfortable learning in. Most people choose to come dressed casually.
It is really important to me that you have a positive learning experience. If there is anything that I can do ahead of the first day to support that, please get in touch via