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HSS and Engineering 2.0 Leadership Team Event

I am looking forward to working with you at Europa Park as we look forward to the future of HSS and Engineering in Merlin.

The session will be fast-paced, practical and flexible enough to explore everything we need to meet the outcomes. These outcomes are as follows,

By applying the learning and insights from the session, you will be better able to:

  • Understand the essential characteristics of the high-performing team and how we can better reflect these in our ways of working

  • Lead your teams even more effectively as Merlin 2.0 is shaped and enacted

  • Collaborate as a senior team to to reflect and share leadership best practice

I believe that Merlin is going through the most profound change of the last 20 years, and this session comes at the perfect time to explore what needs to happen to shape HSS and Engineering in the new world.

Over the day, we will explore three key topics:

  • How do we collaborate, communicate and share best practices even better than before as a senior team?

  • What are the leadership principles and practices that we need to demonstrate to deliver the Merlin 2.0 strategy?

  • Are we clear and aligned on our functional strategy and departmental culture?

As we only have a limited time to focus on these areas, three pieces of prework will help us to make the most of our time together.

Please send me your thoughts on the following via by 15th September.

What are your desired outcomes for the day?

I would love to hear what will make the day outstandingly valuable for you. What should we focus on to get the most from the session from your perspective?

Leading in Merlin 2.0

As we head into a new era, we can assume that new leadership is required.

Here are two articles that reflect on leadership now and in the future. It would be great if you could afford the time to read them both and then consider and share what you believe are the leadership practices, characteristics and shifts required for Merlin 2.0

If you have any questions ahead of our session, please get in touch via


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