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How mastering Emotional Intelligence underlies authenticity and relationships

In my last two articles I’ve written about the importance of balancing vulnerability, affection and professionalism, which you can read here, and mastering your personal emotional intelligence, which you can read here.

As you develop your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and self-awareness, you can use those skills in your relationships with others and to build trust at work.

Here are 3 ways that developing your EQ and self-awareness can drive authenticity in the workplace and 3 ways it can impact your interactions with others.

Authenticity is the quality of being genuine, sincere, and true to oneself.

Being open and honest in your communication. Being aware of your own emotions means you can articulate your thoughts and opinions with clarity and confidence and without masks or pretenses.

Demonstrating vulnerability. Sharing your experiences, challenges, and failures openly and with humility, demonstrates authenticity and creates an environment where others feel comfortable doing the same, fostering trust, empathy, and connection among team members.

Staying true to your values. EQ cultivates self-confidence by enhancing self-awareness and emotional regulation, empowering you to trust your judgment and convictions. With increased self-confidence and self-acceptance, you can stay true to your values, even in challenging situations, and let your values guide your behaviour.

When interacting with others, EQ will help you to:

Sense emotional tension. You’ll be more attuned to the emotional signals of others, you’ll sense escalating tension or discomfort, and be able to identify if situations are becoming overwhelming or emotionally charged and react accordingly. You’ll know when it’s appropriate to start or continue an interaction, and when it might be necessary to pause.

Strike an empathetic balance. When you recognise and regulate your own emotions, you can consider how you would feel in the same situation and respond with integrity whilst avoiding empathy distress.

Listen with intent and choose the right response. By sensing emotions, being empathetic, and being fully present in conversations, you’ll learn about the individual, their needs, and expectations. This will help you choose the right response depending on the situation.

Whatever historical thoughts might linger about work and professionalism, everyone is influenced by their emotions. To succeed in leadership, we have to know how best to embrace the fundamentals of who we are by tapping into the benefits of emotional intelligence.

If you'd like to find out more about how I can help your leaders develop their emotional intelligence, or use these skills to build great relationships, contact me at

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