Well, what a great first workshop.
I am grateful for your commitment, energy, and action during and after the session.
Here are the flipcharts from the session.
I promised to share an overview of personality programmes for those who want to explore them with your team or keep them front and centre when working with clients.
Here is that video.
One of the conversations I had with several of you focused on letting go, empowering, and helping your team step up. We will spend more time on this in the second workshop, but in the meantime, here is a great video to remind us to put the power where the knowledge is.
The Alignment Advantage
I think we would all agree that the conversations about strategy and the alignment of strategy, culture and external experience were rich and valuable.
Here are the big six questions to open up that conversation with your teams and colleagues.
What is strategy?
What is your key strategic objective?
What is culture?
On a scale of 1 - 6, to what degree does the current culture support the delivery of your strategic objective?
What is the difference between (client/customer) service and experience?
What is the CBRE X?
Here is the video I shared about building and changing habits.
Ready for workshop two
The single most important thing you can do to be ready for workshop two is to apply what you have learned. Continuing the conversation with your line manager about your learning and the difference it will make to your business will make a huge difference to the amount of learning you transfer and will make the final presentation on the last day of the programme much easier.
During the second event, we will explore more about leading high-performance teams, how to lead world-class performance and some additional tools to help you become even more influential. I'll send some pre-work before the session to help you prepare for it, but please remember that you can use me as a resource anytime between now and then.
With gratitude,